House of Night Wiki

An Imprint is a strong mental bond formed between two people.

An imprint can be formed between humans and vampyres, vampyres and vampyres, vampyres and fledglings, and fledglings and humans.



An imprint is formed when a vampyre or fledgling drinks from another vampyre, fledgling, or human.


When a vampyre or fledgling drinks from another person, it is a very intense and sexual feeling. After the imprint is formed, the two people involved in the imprint can feel each others emotions, and if the imprint is strong enough--even read their thoughts. If one person in an imprint is being physically injured, then the other could feel it.


Breaking an imprint is extremely painful for at least one of the people involved in the imprint. Here are ways an imprint can be broken:

  • Another imprint replaces the imprint
  • One of the people involved in the imprint dies
  • Through a series of extremely painful rituals
  • If the imprint isn't strong, it may fade from loss of contact

In the Vampyre Sociology 415 Textbook

Sexuality and Bloodlust: "Though the frequency of need differs depending upon age, sex, and general strength of the vampyre, adults must periodically feed on human blood to remain healthy and sane. It is, therefore, logical that evolution, and our beloved Goddess, Nyx, have insured the blood drinking process is a pleasurable one, both for the vampyre and the human donor. AS we have already learned, Vampyre saliva acts as an anticoagulant for human blood. Vampyre saliva also secretes endorphins during blood drinking, which stimulate the pleasure zones of the brain, human and vampyre, and can actually stimulate orgasm."
Vampyre Sociology 415 Textbook in Betrayed. Page 168.
Imprinting: "An Imprint between vampyre and human does not occur every time a vampyre feeds. Many studies have been performed to try to determine exactly why some humans Imprint and some do not, but thought there are several determining factors, such as emotional attachment, relationship between the human and the vampyre pre-Change, age, sexual orientation, and frequency of blood drinking, there is no way to predict with certainty whether a human will Imprint with a vampyre."
Vampyre Sociology 415 Textbook in Betrayed. Page 169.
Fledgling--Vampyre Imprinting: "As discussed in the previous chapter, due to the possibility of Imprint, fledglings are prohibited from drinking the blood of human donors, but they may experiment with each other. It has been proven that fledglings cannot Imprint one another. However, it is possible for an adult vampyre to Imprint a fledgling. This leads to emotional and physical complications once the fledgling completes the Change that are often not beneficial for either vampyre; therefore, blood drinking between fledgling and adult vampyre is strictly prohibited."
Vampyre Sociology 415 Textbook in Betrayed. Page 170.

Known Imprints
